
Hi, my name is Jennifer. I am a mother of three, an artist and certified K—12 Visual Arts Teacher. .I currently teach HS/MS Art at a local school here in Lewis County. I also am an artist member of the ArtTrails of SWWA and T.A.T. Lab Alumni! You can take a look at my instagram here to see some of my own personal artwork.

I have had the idea of creating a space like Dandelion Creative Space for some time now, I wanted a place in our community where children and adults could go to explore their creative side as well as connect with one another. Art is an important part of my family’s life, and I hope it will soon be a big part of yours. What you will discover at Dandelion Creative Space is Art is all about the process and not necessarily the end result.

Art is about self-expression, discovery and encouraging an inquisitive disposition.

It was important to me to offer a wide range of opportunities for the community to experience art at Dandelion. If you are new to art, or do not have the time to commit to one of our classes, I would like to encourage you to come to our Art Lab and Open Studio Time.

Art Lab is a time when the studio is open and children are free to create whatever they like to their little hearts content. No instruction provided, just pure discovery! Parents/Guardians are welcome to create as well, or can drop their child off for up to 2hrs! This is a time where they can get messy and have fun, while you can save your home from painty-hands and glitter explosions!

Open Studio, is similar to Art Lab, but is intended for adults and teens (12+) who want to set aside time to explore art materials and processes in a fun and relaxing environment. Many materials are free to use and explore with a studio pass.

I feel so blessed to have the opportunity to share this space with my community! It really is a dream come true. I hope that this place becomes a place of joy and creativity for all families in Lewis County. Please reach out to me if you have any questions or would just like to chat!


Dandelion Creative Space is a place for every family to explore their creative sides.


Start the adventure today.